Feb 11, 2020

19 years ago, a Dutch programmer launched the Anna Kournikova virus infecting millions of emails via photo of the tennis star


On 11 February, 2001, the Dutch studnet Jan de Wit who also went by the handle 'OnTheFly' authored a computer worm named Anna Kournikova Virus or Vbs.OnTheFly.

The worm came through an email which tricked the user into believing that it contained an image of the tennis player when in fact, it was hiding a malicious program. The email arrived with the subject, 'Here you have, ;0)' and an attached file, AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs. Once opened, the file did not display a picture of Anna Kournikova but launched a viral VBScript program that forwarded itself to everyone in the user's MS Outlook address book.